BDBC Local Plan

Dear All
The ‘Issue & Options’ is an extremely important consultation as it will frame the context of the Local Plan Update. Please can you spread the word, and encourage as many family members, neighbours and friends as possible to engage in this consultation.
It must not become another ‘Nonsultation’. The people must speak and our voices must be listened to.
Cllr Onnalee Cubitt, Deputy Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Issues and Options consultation
This is the first consultation for the Local Plan Update (LPU), live from 28th September to 4pm on Monday 9th November. Consultation documents are available at
Your response can be submitted either...
online at
by e-mail to [email protected]
by post to: Planning Policy Team, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke RG21 4AH
The purpose of this early and non-statutory consultation is to identify key planning issues facing the borough over this next Local Plan period (to at least 2038) and consider suitable options to address them.
Borough residents, residents groups, town & parish councils, technical consultees, and developers & agents, do have the opportunity to influence the Plan at an early stage.
Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan Review The current Local Plan was adopted in May 2016 and covers the period 2011 to 2029. National guidance now promotes the concept of an on-going cycle of plan making and review, which is reinforced by a legal requirement to review Plans every five years. Following an initial review, which considered recent changes to national planning policy, including the introduction of a new approach for assessing local housing need, BDBC has taken the decision to update the current adopted Local Plan.
The Update will extend the period of the Local Plan to 2039.
How Long Will it Take to Update the Local Plan? The council is required to publish a Local Development Scheme (LDS) to set out which planning documents will be produced and when. The new LDS, is available to view on the council website at
So far - Call for sites undertaken in autumn 2019. Submitted sites published in the 2020 SHELAA (Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment). Additional sites can be submitted to the SHELAA throughout the process.
Public Consultation - The first consultation will be on the 'Issues and Options' document. A draft document was released in July for internal consultation and will be published for public consultation likely in September.
Adoption - The Local Plan Update is presently scheduled for completion in 2024 (COVID-related delay).